Galashiels Academy

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Family Learning

National Parent Forum Of Scotland

Click here for website. Excellent resource for information on Scottish Education and how parents can be informed and help their children.


Raising Teens With Confidence



Session 1 - The Teenage Years
Session 2 - The Amazing Teenage Brain
Session 3 - Risky Business
Session 4  - Its Good To Talk
Session 5 - The Brain Under Stress
Session 6 - Looking After Your Well Being


SCHOLAR info for parents

What is Scholar? This pdf will explain in more detail.

Scottish Borders Council website

Scottish Borders Council       For details of holidays, emergency school closures etc


Scottish Government National Improvement Framework

NATIONAL IMPROVEMENT FRAMEWORK IN A NUTSHELL - The National Parent Forum of Scotland Summary of the National Improvement Framework

Supporting Partnerships In Education


Connect (formerly Scottish Parent Teacher Council), strive to make family engagement in children's learning and school lives and in Scottish education as good as it can be

Details can be found here


Drugs Awareness

TD1 presentation Nov 2021

Drugs awareness presentation